1. Have A Relationship Plan For The Future
Know where you are heading. Have a light at the end of the tunnel.
2. Meet Regularly
Try to see each other every month at least once. Plan this ahead and include some activities, like town visits, museums, a weekend in a fancy hotel, etc. Make it a celebration, an explosion, something very special!
So do everything you can to meet at least once a month.3. Use Modern Technologies To Communicate
- Get an e-mail account if you do not have one and write at least one e-mail to each other every day
- Use Skype or something similar to talk to each other for free. Believe me, it’s awesome watching a movie together while simultaneously talking on Skype
- Use Instant Messaging (I recommend the Yahoo Messenger)
- Use digital photographs and videos of your daily activities and send them via e-mail
- Use a webcam (this I can highly recommend)
4. Give Yourselves A Free Day
I then found it very helpful to insert a day or two without any communication. What then happens is that you miss each other very intensively and you usually find yourselves at a more higher level than you were before.
5. Write Extensive And Intimate E-mails
“The most important thing here is: be honest!”
Open yourself up completely. Write about your inner state, what you are feeling, what you dream about, what you hope for. As a rule of guidance: describe in your e-mails your inner state and in your phone-calls your outer state. Writing is more intense than verbal communication and allows you to be more intimate. That will create a tighter bond between you.
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