Tuesday, April 29, 2008

余音绕梁 II

仔仔的爸妈回国之后松了一口气,结果人也瘫软下来,其结果是改变了晚上通话的局面。电话那头的仔仔像是快没电的剃须刀,声音逐渐逐渐的变小,两次说话之间的间隔也越来越长,良久之后才靠着仅有的意志挤出一句 “啊,让我抱一抱....”,剩余的时间基本上只有哼哼了--- 简直是太阳从西边出来了。我倒是精神大盛,放下电话之后跑到楼下厨房热了一晚紫米粥喝,又吃了一大片猪排,还不甘心就又抱了一桶开心果到床头边吃边把一本Car and Drivers杂志翻遍才罢休。真是彼消此长敌退我进啊。

Sunday, April 27, 2008

assignments and winnings.

Zz has asked me to write about attraction (mmm.... secrets to a man's heart). I have decided also to write about maturity and youthfulness, inspired by a conversation with G.

Zz finally made a visit to his blog, and pleasantly surprised by a message left by an adored blogger (the owner of Absolut Barillius).

I have taken a bit of excuse from work and went to cemetery again with friends. Here are some of my winnings.

Saturday, April 26, 2008



Saturday, April 19, 2008



* 有人问你的Blog上怎么不谈个人生活。我觉得本来就没有意义嘛。后来想了想,也许可以从第三人称的角度杜撰一个比比和仔仔的故事,虚虚实实,这样避免抖隐私之嫌,又满足朋友们的小小愿望。

Thursday, April 10, 2008

S.F. Torch Reroute- It's unfair to torch supporters !!!

I cannot hold my disappointment and anger after reading this report. But I should not complain to myself. I should let our voice be heard by more general public.

Here is the idea for those who feel the same as I do. I encourage all of us who have relative strong English writing skills seize every chance to leave comments on major newspapers and web portals. We are at a huge disadvantage because sometimes we fall short of letting our voices heard. It may seem that each comment has only a small impact, but together i think they chould generate a long-lasting impact.



THE FIX: Pro-China crowds attempt to stifle dissenters

Newsom won't come out and say that, but he did concede that he took the decision right down to the final minutes.

"Literally, at 1 o'clock, we had two choices," he said in a phone conversation en route to the closing ceremony at the airport. "We could cancel the event or move forward in a different manner. We went to the torchbearers themselves, and overwhelmingly they said
they supported the change."

Taking the torch to the other side of town and skirting the whole enormous pro-China crowd at the ballpark might have improved the chances for public safety, but it also gave the torch back to San Francisco. Suddenly, it was back to the original idea, a run through the streets with a symbol of the upcoming Olympic Games, not a carefully planned political charade.

Because this, apparently, is the Chinese government's idea of free speech. They speak freely, and everyone else gets shouted down. Frankly, there is no denying that they were well organized. I took a minute to talk to a Tibetan protester, Kal Sang, but I was quickly joined by two young men who listened to the interview and began to interject derogatory comments.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

