Friday, November 21, 2008

Do not settle for civial unions

I saw this on NY Times "letter to the editor" section to see why exactly people are opposing gay marriage or supporting. I only find two letters opposing it.

To be frank, the argument forwarded by this letter can hardly stand a logical test. If tradition is what we should follow, how does the society make progresses? In tradition, blacks are slaves. This tradition has been long gone. Now another tradition is challenged. Those who stand lazily or blindly behind it should question themselves whether the tradition has to renew itself. About values, what about the Church value of love and tolerance and the societal value of respecting diversity?

Lastly, another letter suggested that "The solution to the same-sex marriage issue is to have the states issue civil unions to everyone, straight and gay, and to leave marriage to the churches." Since when marriage has become monopolized by Churches? Nonreligious people do not have the right to get married? I don't think so. I don't think any people, religious or non-religious, straight or gay, should settle for the term "civil unions."

“Gay marriage” is an oxymoron, plain and simple. One doesn’t have to be from the religious right to be offended by the concept. The tradition of marriage, the value of marriage to life and society, and a number of other factors not directly related to religion all stand against the idea of gay marriage.

Many of us who support the rights of partners in a civil union are against gay marriage and always will be.

Many of us who have been strong supporters of civil rights and the end of Jim Crow now find ourselves directly opposed to gay marriage. This issue really is different from other civil rights issues.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

