Tuesday, October 2, 2007

title change.

I have changed the title of this blog from "on the road" to "pride from within".

Why an average gay life is so screwed up? My answer is that we are susceptible to so many kinds of self-hatred and we end up ruining ourselves and our relationships. The only way out is to develop pride from within and to restore our dignity as a human being.

When i searched on scientific publications on challenges facing homosexuals. All i found is topics on AIDS/HIV. I feel angry and ashamed! Yes, hot topics like AIDS/HIV can easily fetch general public sympathy, federal money, and media attention. But do they really care about the life quality of gay people? How come these so-called researchers so blind about all kinds of difficulties and challenges that plague gay individuals and relationships?

At this time, what i believe the core of the problems is the many faces of self-hatred developed among gay individuals. This inspires me to chronicle different kinds of self-hatred that we inflict upon ourselves (and thanks to our society) and to look for awareness and remedies.

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