Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Bits and Quotes: The Danger of Security

在我的Shared Items有这样的文章,这段话尤其让我欣赏。我现在就很容易比较Lazy的状态,与之相随的就会感到无聊。要真的提高自己的生活质量就要琢磨一些有意义的事情来做,而不是坐吃山空。

The danger of security, however, is complacency. It starts in small ways, many of them innocuous. If a person loves you "warts and all," then you don't feel the need to hide your warts, whatever form they take. Your unsightly back hair. Your stinky morning-breath. Your flatulence. Then there are the personality flaws you took pains to suppress during the courtship: your short temper, your constant tardiness, your fondness for Celine Dion. Soon, you don’t even bother to conceal your vices, much less suppress them. You get lazy.

And thus you lose one of the great virtues of relationships: they encourage us to be better people. Initially, because we want to impress the other. Eventually, because we know they deserve it.

贴一个无关的照片,这是West Life的Mark,是个同志欧!很稀饭他的耳钻和领带。

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